Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Micro-budget feature requires 2nd female lead. What does micro-budget mean? No pay, but you will be fed. Heard of "Community Theatre"? This is "Community Cinema". Shooting will take place in Ottawa starting in May on an evenings and weekends schedule.

Mimsy Reardon is late 30's/early 40's, attractive, likes to look glamorous and is obsessed with "Rat Pack"/"Mad Men" era culture. Through a series of events, Mimsy helps two twenty somethings who must stop a rampaging gorilla. She is reunited with her ex-husband and maybe even her long lost daughter.

Despite the above, this is no horror movie but rather a full-on comedy, sort of "SCTV meets a 50's creature feature". A black and white "B-Movie" to the core. Sense of humour and willingness to indulge in over the top histrionics is a must!

Please send links, photo, resume, contact information- whatever info you have available to

For investors, as always, $20 or more gets an on screen Executive Producer credit! on Pay Pal.

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully, someone great came in and this role has been cast! thanks for your interest!

